作者: 周金泉,何文晋,李园 (海南大学旅游学院;海南大学机电学院)
出处: 北华大学学报(社会科学版) 2017 第18卷 第1期 P105-111
关键词: 岛屿系统;旅游开发;海南;风险控制;风险因素;风险评价
摘要: 目前,全球的海洋、海岛旅游胜地如夏威夷、马尔代夫、毛里求斯等,都随着全球范围内的旅游大开发取得了巨大发展,但同时也面临种种风险和挑战。作为我国著名的海岛旅游胜地和最具有代表性的岛屿旅游目的地,海南在国际旅游岛开发与建设的过程中取得了一定成绩和经验,但同时也面临各种风险和发展问题。通过对海南岛屿系统风 ...
作者: 周金泉,李园,何文晋 (海南大学)
出处: 新东方 2016 第1期 P75-79
关键词: 旅游;产业;整合;竞争力;海南
摘要: 伴随着市场与需求的不断变化,旅游产业的发展面临新的挑战。旅游产业具有旅游产品复杂、旅游资源和设施依托性、产业结构松散和产业边界不确定的特征。笔者在分析海南旅游产业竞争力的基本状况基础上,提出集群整合、集合整合、集成整合的旅游产业整合方式,以提升海南旅游产业竞争力。
被引情况:超星被引 1 次作者: Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He (Hainan University)
出处: 2015 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanity(ICSSH 2015) Singapore 2015
会议录: Proceedings of 2015 3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanity(ICSSH 2015 V76)
摘要: Volvo Ocean Race is one of the most successful professional sporting events of world. The theory of IMC is used to analyze the Volvo Ocean Race’s mark ...
作者: Qingfen Ma,Chen Yi,Hui Lu,Lixin Xie,Junqing Fan,Wenjin He (Hainan University)
出处: 2015中国(青岛)第四届世界海洋大会 中国山东青岛 2015
会议录: 2015中国(青岛)第四届世界海洋大会会刊
摘要: The severe global water scarcity and record-high fossil oil price have greatly stimulated the research interests on new desalination technologies driv ...
作者: 马庆芬,廖宇兰,何文晋 (海南大学机电工程学院)
出处: 教育教学论坛 2015 第49期 P170-173
关键词: 专业英语;教学难点;教学方法;实践教学;因材施教
摘要: 本文结合笔者几年来从事机械工程专业英语教学的经验,在对课程总体教学目标把握的基础上,分析了课程教学难点,针对性地提出教学方法。强调“授之以渔”,并增加各种形式的课堂互动,提高听课率;主张设计多样化的实践环节,使学生熟练运用专业英语;鼓励学生参与课外英语交流活动,“用以致学”;提出分层次设置教学要求、 ...
被引情况:超星被引 1 次作者: Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He (College of Tourism, Hainan University;College of Engineering, Hainan University)
出处: 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014) Singapore 2014
会议录: Proceedings of 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014 V67)
摘要: Shareholders’ general meeting as a governance behavior depends upon its operation which manipulated under company management and the major stockholder ...
作者: Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He (College of Tourism, Hainan University;College of Engineering, Hainan University)
出处: 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014) Singapore 2014
会议录: Proceedings of 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014 V67)
摘要: China’s fourth space launch site in Wenchang City of Hainan Province and a space theme park to be built here will no doubt become the world’s largest, ...
作者: Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He (College of Tourism, Hainan University;College of Engineering, Hainan University)
出处: 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014) Singapore 2014
会议录: Proceedings of 2014 4th International Conference on Education and Education Management(EEM 2014 V67)
摘要: Discussion is highlighted the five-year construction of Hainan international tourism island in this paper. Although rapidly developed Hainan’s tourism ...
作者: Jinquan Zhou,Wenjin He (College of Truism Management, Hainan University;College of Mechanism Engineering, Hainan University)
出处: 2014 2nd International Conference in Humanities,Social Sciences and Global Business Management(ISSGBM 2014) London UK 2014
会议录: Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference in Humanities,Social Sciences and Global Business Management(ISSGBM 2014 V26)
摘要: The development of modern network technology and electronic commerce technology provides a reality for both traditional exhibitors and organizers. The ...
作者: 周金泉,何文晋 (海南大学)
出处: 企业改革与管理 2014 第4期 P111-112,68
关键词: 公司治理;治理机制;利益相关者
摘要: 本文对当代公司治理理论有关研究理论进行了综合分析与评价。公司治理研究和解决的问题是如何使资金的提供者按时收回投资并获得合理的回报,其研究视角不仅在于现代的公司组织,还包括了市场和法律体系。围绕这个主题,国内外理论界正在逐步趋向于从多角度进行阐述。从公司治理的有关理论发展与涉及的范围看,经历从经济学角 ...
被引情况:超星被引 12 次