计算机科学博士(Ph.D), 美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校 (University of Missouri-Columbia),2008-2012
计算机科学硕士(M.S.), 美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校 (University of Missouri-Columbia),2005-2007
博士后(Post-Doctoral Fellow), 美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,2012-2013
软件开发,中国建筑科学研究院软件研究所 北京 2002-2003
人工智能,并行分布式计算, 机器学习,数据挖掘。
英文原名:“Statistical model-based methods for observation selection in wireless sensor networks and for feature selection in classification.” Qi Qi, ProQuest, 2012
J1 “基于图形模型的和高斯过程的观察值选择在无线传感器时间调控上的应用”。 (SCI期刊)
英文引用: Qi Qi, Yi Shang, “Comparison of Probabilistic Chain Graphical Model Based and Gaussian Process Based Observation Selections for Wireless Sensor Scheduling”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2011, article ID 928958, 2011.
J2 “无线传感网络在智能交通运输系统中的应用”。(SCI期刊)
英文引用: Malik Tubaishat, Peng Zhuang, Qi Qi, and Yi Shang, “Wireless Sensor Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems”,Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2009, Vol. 9, pp. 287-302.
C1 “结合基于概率图形模型和知识库的计算方法解决自动重建生物细胞内新陈代谢通路网络问题”。(核心会议 Research Talk) Qi Qi, J. Li, J.Cheng, “Reconstruction of metabolic pathways by combining probabilistic graphical model-based and knowledge-based methods. ”, The Great Lake Bioinformatics Conference, Cincinatti, OH, USA, 2014
C2 “自动化重建细胞内新陈代谢通路网络通过结合概率图形模型和基于知识库的预测方法”。(核心会议 Poster) Qi Qi, J.Cheng, “Automatic reconstruction of cellular metabolic networks by combination of probabilistic graphical models and knowledge-based methods. ”, The Great Lake Bioinformatics Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2013
英文引用: Qi Qi, Yi Shang, and Hongchi Shi, “An Improved Algorithm for Optimal Subset Selection in Chain Graphical Models”, Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2010 IEEE Congress on, pp. 1-6, 2010.
C4 “比较选择观察值方法基于概率图形模型和高斯过程在预测时间序列发生上的应用”。
英文引用: Qi Qi, Yi Shang, “Comparing Probabilistic Graphical Model Based and Gaussian Process Based Selections for Predicting the Temporal Observations”, Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, 2010, vol.20, pages 621-628, ASME Press, New York, NY.
英文引用: Peng Zhuang, Qi Qi, and Yi Shang, “Model-based Traffic Prediction Using Sensor Networks”, In Proc. 5th IEEE Cosumer Communication and Networking Conference (CCNC’08), 2008, pp. 136-140.
英文引用: Malik Tubaishat, Qi Qi, Yi Shang, and Hongchi Shi, “Wireless Sensor-Based Traffic Light Control”, In Proc. 5th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’08), 2008, pp. 702-706.