作者: Xia Liu,Xu-lun Huo,Zhao Qiu,Ming-mi Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College,Sanya 572000,Hainan,China;Information and Technology School,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,Hainan,China)
出处: 国际计算机前沿大会会议论文集 2018 第1期 P32
关键词: Cloud;computing;Citrix;Desktop;virtualizationNetwork;architecture;Centralized;management
摘要: As the increasing number of applications in Office Mobile, it's hard for the traditional IT network infrastructure to carry out remote management and ...
作者: Xia Liu,Fang Wan,Lei Chen,Zhao Qiu,Ming-mi Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College,Sanya 572000,Hainan,China;College of Information Engineering,Hainan Institute of Science and Technology,Haikou 570228,Hainan,China;Information and Technology School,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,Hainan,China)
出处: 国际计算机前沿大会会议论文集 2018 第2期 P28
摘要: It is crucial to the economic and social development of the entire city to accurately predict its traffic passenger volume. For Sanya, as a coastal to ...
作者: 刘夏,陈磊,邱钊,陈焕东,陈明锐 (三亚航空旅游职业学院教务处;海南大学信息科学技术学院;海南师范大学教务处)
出处: 中国民航大学学报 2018 第36卷 第3期 P31-36,57
关键词: 客流量;ARMA模型;灰色预测模型;RE-ARMA模型
摘要: 基于三亚机场2008—2016年的月度数据,运用ARMA模型、灰色预测GM(1,1)模型、ARMA改进回归模型对民航客流量预测并进行数据仿真。实证分析表明:3个模型的平均绝对百分误差分别为4.20%、4.19%、1.67%,预测精度较高。最后利用灰色预测GM(1,1)模型进行趋势外预测,得出三亚机场 ...
作者: Xia Liu,Xu-lun Huo,Zhao Qiu,Ming-rui Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College;Information and Technology School,Hainan University)
出处: 2018国际计算机前沿大会(原国际青年计算机大会) 中国河南郑州 2018
会议录: Abstracts of the 4th International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists,Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE 2018)Part I
摘要: As the increasing number of applications in Office Mobile, it’s hard for the traditional IT network infrastructure to carry out remote management and ...
作者: Xia Liu,Fang Wan,Lei Chen,Zhao Qiu,Ming-rui Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College;College of Information Engineering,Hainan Institute of Science and Technology;Information and Technology School,Hainan University)
出处: 2018国际计算机前沿大会(原国际青年计算机大会) 中国河南郑州 2018
会议录: Abstracts of the 4th International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists,Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE 2018)Part II
摘要: ARIMA model;Grey prediction;Grey Markov model;Passenger volume;Prediction
作者: 刘夏,邱钊,陈焕东,陈明锐 (三亚航空旅游职业学院人文社科学院;海南大学信息科学技术学院;海南师范大学教务处)
出处: 软件 2018 第39卷 第5期 P43-49
关键词: 多元回归;支持向量机回归;ARMA改进;神经网络
摘要: 准确的预测航线的客流量,对于机场的运力安排、航线调整、规划发展都有着重要的作用。针对民航客流量预测具有诸多不确定性和数据不足的特点,本文基于某航空公司2010-2016年北京-三亚航线每天的客流数据,运用了多元回归模型、支持向量机回归模型、ARMA改进模型、神经网络RBF模型对航线数据进行了数据拟合 ...
发明人: 罗竞宇,邱钊,李修来,胡建政,张霞文
申请人: 海南大学
申请号: 201720031139.1
申请日期: 2017.01.11
摘要: 本实用新型提供一种人脸识别转动式计算机显示器,涉及计算机硬件技术领域,包括显示器本体,显示器本体上设有用于人脸识别的摄像头;显示器正下方与一竖直的电动液压杆顶端铰接,电动液压杆下方连接在一电动旋转平台上,电动旋转平台下方设有底座,底座顶面设有一开口向上的卡槽,电动旋转平台底部卡在卡槽内;本实用新型能 ...
发明人: 张霞文,邱钊,李修来,胡建政,罗竞宇
申请人: 海南大学
申请号: 201720030290.3
申请日期: 2017.01.11
摘要: 本实用新型提供一种计算机指纹识别防盗机箱,涉及计算机配件技术领域,包括箱体,箱体左侧设有第一指纹开关和用于控制机箱电路通断的第二指纹开关;箱体卡在一底座顶面上,底座内设有微处理器、对准箱体的接近开关和蓄电池,一报警器设在底座右上方,微处理器分别与接近开关、报警器、蓄电池连接,第一指纹开关控制微处理器 ...
作者: Xia Liu,Xia Huang,Lei Chen,Zhao Qiu,Ming-rui Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College;Information Science and Technology School, Hainan University)
出处: The Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators,ICPCSEE 2017(originally ICYCSEE) 中国湖南长沙 2017
会议录: Abstracts of the Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators,ICPCSEE 2017 PartI
摘要: It is crucial to correctly predict the passenger flow of an air route for the construction and development of an airport. Based on the passenger flow ...
作者: Xia Liu,Xia Huang,Lei Chen,Zhao Qiu,Ming-rui Chen (Sanya Aviation and Tourism College,Sanya 572000,Hainan,China;Information Science and Technology School,Hainan University,Haikou 570228,Hainan,China)
出处: 国际计算机前沿大会会议论文集 2017 第1期 P180-181
摘要: It is crucial to correctly predict the passenger flow of an air route for the construction and development of an airport.Based on the passenger flow d ...