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作者: Zhaojun Li1,2;Kunpeng Lin1,2;Hailiang Fang3,2;Hui Yu4;Junzhuo Wang3;Yimin Miao1;Lianjun Wang3CA1;Jianlin Li1CA2;Wan Jiang3CA31State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;2These authors contributed equally to this work.;3State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China;4School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Pingxiang University, Pingxiang 337055, China)

出处: Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2023

关键词: Carbon fibers (CFs);Diamond;Carbon composite;Strength

摘要: Carbon materials are important but find little application in bending components due to their unsatisfying bending strength (300–500 MPa). To fabricat ...

作者: 柯维强,陈祥慧,陈小玲,孟杰,马燕琳 (海南医学院第二附属医院;药学部;血液科;上海大学医学院药学部)

出处: 中国组织工程研究 2023

关键词: 弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤;利妥昔单抗;自体外周血干细胞;移植;白细胞介素17;血管内皮生长因子;碱性成纤维细胞生长因子

摘要: 背景:目前国内已有较多采用利妥昔单抗联合自体外周血干细胞移植治疗弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤的临床报道,但其作用机制还不是很明确。目的:对比分析利妥昔单抗联合自体外周血干细胞移植与利妥昔单抗治疗弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤的效果与相关因子水平的变化。方法:选择96例弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤患者为研究对象,其中男62例,女34 ...

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作者: 曾维鹏,林坚平,周钢,毛汉儒 (海南省人民医院( 海南医学院附属海南医院) 关节外科)

出处: 中国组织工程研究 2023

关键词: 前交叉韧带;前交叉韧带撕裂;髌骨高位;滑车发育不良;磁共振成像

摘要: 背景:前交叉韧带损伤是年轻人群中常见的运动伤,膝关节的解剖学因素可能与其损伤相关,但很少有学者采用MRI评估前交叉韧带损伤与髌骨高位及股骨滑车发育不良之间的关系。

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作者: 张键,林坚平,周钢,王本超,吴永昌 (海南医学院附属海南医院(海南省人民医院)关节外科)

出处: 中国组织工程研究 2023

关键词: 盘状半月板;全外显子测序;病因学;发病机制;基因组学

摘要: 背景:盘状半月板是一种半月板形态学改变,至今发病机制不明,目前尚无关于盘状半月板的基因组学研究。目的:通过外显子测序结合生物信息学分析筛选盘状半月板可疑致病基因。方法:提取7例盘状半月板患者的外周血DNA,分别建库后进行全外显子测序,测序数据与公共基因组数据库对比筛选变异位点,并进行可疑致病突变注释 ...

作者: 虞亚霖,莫岩,陈永,李德 (海南省硅锆钛综合开发与利用重点实验室南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室海南大学;佛山科学技术学院材料科学与氢能学院)

出处: 材料导报 2023

关键词: 高镍单晶;熔盐法;LiNi0.75Co0.10Mn0.15O2;正极材料

摘要: 目前,新型正极材料的研发主要致力于提高材料的能量密度和安全性等。其中,单晶型镍钴锰三元材料具有耐高压、高热力学稳定性和高循环稳定性等优异的综合性能,是最具发展前景的正极材料。本文采用LiOH作为熔盐、添加LiNO 3 助溶剂降低熔点,烧结制备单晶LiNi 0.75 Co 0.10 Mn 0.15 O ...

作者: M. Shuaib;F. Hussain;A. Rauf;F. Jan;M. Romman;R. Parvez;A. Zeb;S. Ali;S. Abidullah;S. Bahadur;A. A. Shah;N. Azam;S. Dilbar;K. Begum;H. Khan;S. Sajjad;I. Muhammad;N.A. Shah (Yunnan University, School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Kunming, PR China*e-mail: ; Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Bahawalpur, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; University of Chitral, Department of Botany, Chitral, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, PakistanGovernment Girls Degree College Dargai, Department of Botany, District Malakand, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Hainan University, College of Forestry, Haikou, China ; Jazan University, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Jazan, Saudi Arabia ; University of Peshawar, Centre of Plant Biodiversity, Peshawar, Pakistan ; University of Swat, Centre of Plant Biodiversity, Swat, Pakistan ; University of Hazara, Department of Genetic, Manshera, Pakistan ; University of Swat, Center of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Swat, Pakistan ; COMSATS University, Department of Biosciences, Park Road Islamabad, Pakistan ; University of Hazara, Department of Genetic, Manshera, Pakistan ; COMSATS University, Department of Biosciences, Park Road Islamabad, Pakistan ;)

出处: Brazilian Journal of Biology 2023

关键词: medicinal plants;economic values;quantitative study;Tehsil Wari;Pakistan

摘要: Traditional medicine is cheaper and easily available to local people, to care for most frequent diseases in the Northern parts of Pakistan. Our study ...

作者: X. Wu;G. Zhong;H. Wang;J. Zhu (Central South University, Affiliated Haikou Hospital of Xiangya Medical College, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Haikou, Hainan, China ; Haikou Hospital of the Maternal and Child Health, Department of Pharmacy, Haikou, Hainan, China ; Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital (Hainan Hospital Affiliated to Hainan Medical College), Department of Health Management Centre, Haikou, Hainan, China*e-mail: ; The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Changsha, Hunan, China ;)

出处: Brazilian Journal of Biology 2023

关键词: β-lactam/lactamase inhibitors;temporal association of antibiotic resistance;Gram-negative bacteria

摘要: The β-lactam/lactamase inhibitors (BLBLIs) combination drugs are considered an effective alternative to carbapenems. However, there is a growing conce ...

作者: M. Shuaib;F. Hussain;A. Rauf;F. Jan;M. Romman;R. Parvez;A. Zeb;S. Ali;S. Abidullah;S. Bahadur;A. A. Shah;N. Azam;S. Dilbar;K. Begum;H. Khan;S. Sajjad;I. Muhammad;N.A. Shah (Yunnan University, School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Kunming, PR China*e-mail: ; Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Bahawalpur, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; University of Chitral, Department of Botany, Chitral, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, PakistanGovernment Girls Degree College Dargai, Department of Botany, District Malakand, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Abdulwali Khan University, Department of Botany, Mardan, Pakistan ; Hainan University, College of Forestry, Haikou, China ; Jazan University, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Jazan, Saudi Arabia ; University of Peshawar, Centre of Plant Biodiversity, Peshawar, Pakistan ; University of Swat, Centre of Plant Biodiversity, Swat, Pakistan ; University of Hazara, Department of Genetic, Manshera, Pakistan ; University of Swat, Center of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Swat, Pakistan ; COMSATS University, Department of Biosciences, Park Road Islamabad, Pakistan ; University of Hazara, Department of Genetic, Manshera, Pakistan ; COMSATS University, Department of Biosciences, Park Road Islamabad, Pakistan ;)

出处: Brazilian Journal of Biology 2023

关键词: plantas medicinais;valores econômicos;estudo quantitativo;Tehsil Wari;Paquistão

摘要: A medicina tradicional é mais barata e facilmente disponível à população local para cuidar das doenças mais frequentes nas áreas do norte do Paquistão ...

作者: X. Wu;G. Zhong;H. Wang;J. Zhu (Central South University, Affiliated Haikou Hospital of Xiangya Medical College, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Haikou, Hainan, China ; Haikou Hospital of the Maternal and Child Health, Department of Pharmacy, Haikou, Hainan, China ; Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital (Hainan Hospital Affiliated to Hainan Medical College), Department of Health Management Centre, Haikou, Hainan, China*e-mail: ; The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Changsha, Hunan, China ;)

出处: Brazilian Journal of Biology 2023

关键词: inibidores β-lactâmicos/lactamase;associação temporal de resistência a antibióticos;bactérias gram-negativas

摘要: Os medicamentos combinados de β-lactâmicos / inibidores da lactamase (BLBLIs) são considerados uma alternativa eficaz aos carbapenêmicos. No entanto, ...

作者: Yingjie Ma1;Na Wang1,2CA1;Xin Huang1;Ting Wang1;Lina Zhou1;Xin Li1;Xiongtao Ji1;Yihan Zhao1;Hongxun Hao1,2,3CA2 (1 National Engineering Research Center of Industrial Crystallization Technology, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin), Tianjin 300072, China; 3 School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China)

出处: Particuology 2023

关键词: Cefpiramide;Gel;Self-assembly process;Molecular interaction

摘要: Gel is a very diverse system that has pervaded our everyday life in a variety of forms. However, the mechanism of gel formation remains ambiguous. To ...

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